Wealth through Investing

Medical Degree to Financially Free Course Review | White Coat Investor


Our first online course, Fire Your Financial Advisor (and yes, my financial advisor advertising partners hate that name), has always offered a one-week money-back guarantee. People rarely use it, but when it does get used, despite the fact that it is a “no questions asked” guarantee, they usually tell us why they’re asking for their money back. The reasons are almost universally either “the course is too advanced for me” or “the course is too basic for me,” although we’ve had at least one give as a reason that they lost their job the week they bought the course!

The Physician Philosopher’s Medical Degree to Financially Free online course solves one of those problems for us. If you are in need of a more basic course than Fire Your Financial Advisor, this course is for you. If the last thing you want to learn about is the proper asset location of the small value stocks in your Backdoor Roth IRA, this course is for you. If you are having trouble scraping up the money at the end of the month to make any significant extra payment on your student loans, this course is for you. If you are having trouble getting your spouse interested in financial planning, this course is for you.

Jimmy Turner, your guide to Financial Freedom

Medical Degree to Financially Free (MDFF) is a 5-week “drip” style course. Each week includes video content, handouts, and assignments. There is a total of about four hours of videos, but it will require more time than that to do the course properly, especially if you are married. In fact, your first week’s assignment involves getting a sitter for the kids (if any) and going out to a nice, long dinner!

Know Your Why

The first week you get the introductory material (just 6 minutes total) and the first module, titled “Know Your Why.” Like any good financial planning process, you must start with your goals. If you do not care about the outcome of the process, you are far less likely to invest the time and effort required for the process to work! So you need a reason, a deeply felt, core-identity reason, to get your finances under control.

We all think it would be nice to worry less about money. We all think it would be cool to be rich. We all hate our debts. But that’s not enough. You need your why to be your ideal life, and Jimmy Turner MD will take you through the process of defining that, aligning it with your partner’s ideal life, if necessary, and making sure your time and money are going toward what you care about most.

My favorite line from this section is “spending treason,” the idea that if you are spending money on something that you don’t even care about, it is treason! He also explores the concept of limiting beliefs, those ideas that keep us from accomplishing what we really want. We all have them and the sooner we get over them, the sooner we can reach the success we deserve.

Cash Flow is King

The second week is about cash flow planning, aka budgeting. Jimmy paid off hundreds of thousands of dollars in student loans very rapidly by learning about and controlling the cash flow from a typical doctor job. Too many doctors lack the skills and discipline to do the same. This module will provide you both.

He introduces the “Big Rocks Worksheet” that allows you to stop feeling guilty about lattes, but rather to focus on the big items in your budget that can really make a difference. He defines these as one time expenses larger than $100, recurring monthly payments, and online purchases.

He also introduces the ten-step Cashflow Waterfall, which tells you exactly what to do with your money each month. If you hate PowerPoint, you’ll love the videos in this section of the course. They’re white-board/cartoon style videos that demonstrate the points well.

Dr James Turner course

An example of a screenshot from the course

Your task in module 2? To complete the Big Rocks worksheet and the Cashflow Waterfall worksheet.

medical degree to financially free

An example of a worksheet from the course

Protecting Your Cash Flow

Module three recognizes that your cash flow is your biggest wealth-building tool and it needs to be protected. You will learn about protecting it from financial catastrophes like disability, death, and liability. You will also get to learn about the 50/20/30 rule and how to deal with variable expenses in your budget. Perhaps most importantly, you will learn to control the greatest risk to your financial well-being — your own behavior! Dr. Turner calls this the enemy in the mirror, and having some people to help you stay accountable can be very helpful.

Using Cash Flow to Destroy Debt

Now that you have goals and have created useable, protected cash flow, it is time to apply the cash flow to the goals. The fourth section is all about debt reduction, with a heavy focus on student loans. You might be surprised to learn that Dr. Turner does not advocate for either the Snowball or the Avalanche method of debt pay-off. He calls it the Debt Snowplow and believes it works best for high-income professionals like doctors. He includes a section about the second most popular method of paying for student loans, Public Service Loan Forgiveness.

Investing With Our Cash Flow

You know what else you can do with cash flow besides pay off debt? You can invest it. In this section, Jimmy takes you through the basics of investing, including a case study, and teaches you the four keys to investing success. He will teach you how to create and achieve SMART goals and eventually reach financial freedom. It’s not a get rich quick scheme, but it does work reliably for high earners like you.

The course also includes “cameo” appearances by several financial professionals, including people well-known to long-time WCI fans. In fact, these videos add up to nearly half of the course. They include Ryan Inman, Sarah Catherine Gutierrez, Larry Keller, and Justin Harvey.

In addition to the course, Dr. Turner also makes himself available for “office hours” for an hour every Friday where you can ask questions and get individualized help.

All in all, Medical Degree to Financially Free is more than an online course. It is a five-step process to get your finances under control, eliminate worry, and achieve your greatest dreams. It can be used alone, or with a partner. In just five weeks, you can learn the basics and acquire the tools you need.


So what do the prior students think about it? Well, 97% of students recommend the course to their peers. Here are a few samples of what people say about it:

“This course helped me feel secure in the financial decisions that I was making and gave me the extra push to stay on track. It’s invaluable to know that someone else has been successful using the strategies when you often feel like you are wading in unfamiliar territory alone.” –Wendy DeMartino

“I had been reading the physician finance blogosphere for months when I happened on this course. I can’t say enough how helpful it was to help get organized, even as someone who is fairly well-informed. The lessons are straightforward and build on each other nicely. I may decide to take other personal finance courses in future but, honestly, not sure a person needs to after this. Well done!” –Hayley

“This course has really opened my eyes and changed my life. I never really thought about finances and retirement until later in my career and life. I just put my head in the sand. Jimmy was able to show me that I can retire with the proper plan and discipline and that I am on the road to financial freedom. Sure, I am late to the game, but a plan is now in place. He is always available to answer questions, and the office hours are great! I highly recommend this course!”– Michael Dobrow

“The MD to Financially Free course couldn’t have come at a better time. Starting to feel financially strapped and stretched, the course allowed me to focus on my cashflow and where exactly everything was going. Averse to traditional budgeting, it showed me where I had room to improve cashflow and got me on a road to crushing debt. I highly recommend it for any physician who feels overwhelmed by their debt burden.” –Scott W.

“The amount of financial knowledge I gained in a short amount of time has been hugely valuable and is going to save me tens of thousands in the long-term. I appreciated Jimmy’s engaging teaching style and the dynamic way in which he presented information in a whiteboard fashion. He explains concepts in a way that both beginners and experts can glean useful knowledge.”–Jeff Bank

“Dr. Turner not only clearly teaches the important concepts one needs to understand in order to achieve financial freedom, but provides you with a detailed, step-by-step plan. But the true value of this course is in Dr. Turner. He is so passionate about helping physicians find success. He’s a true asset to have in your financial corner. I have no doubt that this course will pay off in multiples, both in dollars and happiness, for years to come.” –Dr. Stephen Freiberg

A Special Deal

Medical Degree to Financially Free itself costs $647, but there is no risk to you. You can get 100% of your money back for the first 14 days (2 modules) of the course if you don’t like it. Still not sure you want it? Why not check out the previously recorded webinar about it? That’s completely free, too. Not enough? We’re going to sweeten the pot even more. If you take Medical Degree to Financially Free, we’ll also give you WCICON Park City (a $299 value), which includes 13 hours of material from experts like Mike Piper, Jonathan Clements, Nisha Mehta, Bill Bernstein, and more, at no additional charge. Still not enough? Fine, we’ll also give you a coupon for $100 off the WCI Fire Your Financial Advisor Course, since that will be the logical next step for you after completing Medical Degree to Financially Free. Both of these extra gifts will be sent to you as soon as the two week, no questions asked, 100% money-back guarantee expires. But there is a deadline. While MDFF is now available indefinitely, this special deal only lasts from now through Monday, September 28th at midnight MST, so don’t delay.

You get:

Altogether, that’s a $1,046 value for just $647.

Buy Medical Degree to Financially Free Today!

What do you think? Have you taken the course? How did it help you? Comment below!


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